Spicy Napa Cabbage Kimchi, also called Tongbaechu-Kimchi, Baechu-Kimchi, Pogi-Kimchi or just simply Kimchi, is one of the Korean traditional kimchi. It is the most common side dish in all Korean restaurants. I love napa cabbage kimchi but store bought kimchi are usually tasted sour since they stayed in the store for a long time and then are over fermented. So today, I'd like to make my own kimchi.
6 pounds Napa Cabbage 大白菜(about 4 heads of medium napa cabbage)
1/2 cup Sea Salt 海鹽
2 cups Water 水
2 tablespoons Sticky Rice Flour 糯米粉
2 tablespoons Brown Sugar 原蔗糖
2 cups Daikon, shredded 切絲白蘿蔔
1 cup Carrot, shredded 切絲胡蘿蔔
8 stalks Green Onion, chopped 蔥花
1/2 cup Garlic Cloves 蒜頭
2 teaspoon Ginger Root 薑
1 medium Onion 洋蔥
1/2 cup Fish Sauce 魚露
1/4 cup Fermented Salted Shrimp (Saeujeot) 韓國蝦醬
1 1/2 cup Hop Pepper Flakes 紅辣椒片
Quarter the napa cabbage by cutting a cross in the stem base of the cabbage, then gently pull the stem base apart so the cabbage splits to four parts. Trim the stem base if needed. Rinse the napa cabbages, drain out water.
Sprinkle sea salt between the leaves and give them a gentle massage. Use more salt at the stems where are thicker and harder, massage them as well. Place all salted cabbages in a large bowl and let them rest for 2 hours.
While waiting for the salted cabbage to drain out the water, let's make porridge. Combine sticky rice flour and COLD water in a small pot, bring it to a boil, then add sugar and let it dissolve completely. Turn off heat, set the porridge aside to cool down.
Prepare all the vegetables. Shredded daikon, carrot. Chopped green onion.
In a blender, blend garlic, onion and giner to form a paste.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the blended paste, porridge, fish sauce and fermented salted shrimp, mix well.
Add hot pepper flakes, mix well, to make red kimchi paste.
Add shredded daikon, carrots and chopped green onions to the red kimchi paste, mix well.
After 2 hours, wash the cabbage under running water several times to remove salt. Drain them well. You can see the cabbage leaves are softened. It's ready to make kimchi!
Spread some red kimchi paste between each cabbage leaf and stem. Make sure they are covered fully with the paste. Fold the cabbage and wrap the leaf around to make a small packet.
Pack the red-kimchi-sauce-covered and wrapped cabbage into glass jar. Pack and press kimchi down until the brine rises to cover the vegetables. Leave at least 1-inch of headspace. Seal the jar with the lid and let it sit at room temperature for 1~5 days to ferment. Check it daily and refrigerate when ready.
My son, Daniel, had asked me to make him kimchi pancake once this jar of kimchi is ready this weekend. He loves kimchi like me!