- Apr 11 Mon 2016 23:41
- Feb 14 Sat 2015 04:51
小麥麴 Wheat Koji
In order to make wheat miso, I am making wheat koji first.
Whole Hard Wheat 小麥 500g
- Feb 13 Fri 2015 05:16
客家豆醬 Hakka Soybean Paste
- Feb 11 Wed 2015 08:59
自製奶油 Homemade Butter
- Feb 04 Wed 2015 02:30
辣白菜泡菜 Spicy Napa Cabbage Kimchi
Spicy Napa Cabbage Kimchi, also called Tongbaechu-Kimchi, Baechu-Kimchi, Pogi-Kimchi or just simply Kimchi, is one of the Korean traditional kimchi. It is the most common side dish in all Korean restaurants. I love napa cabbage kimchi but store bought kimchi are usually tasted sour since they stayed in the store for a long time and then are over fermented. So today, I'd like to make my own kimchi.
- Jan 30 Fri 2015 05:16
米麴 Rice Koji
Koji, is the fungus, aspergillus oryzae, that grows on grain substrate. It is used in many East Asian cuisines to ferment food. The rich enzymes of koji break down starches and proteins of grains into sugars and amino acids, for making various miso, soy sauces, sake, amazake, etc.
The koji starter I use here for making koji rice is Light Rice Koji Starter from Gem Cultures in US. If you live in Canada, Culture Mother is going to launch those koji starters soon. In Taiwan, you can find various koji starters at Da Shan and 錦池。The whole procedure of making rice koji takes about 3 days.
米麴(rice koji,米こうじ,米糀),是米麴菌(種麴,tane koji,koji starter,學名:Aspergillus oryzae)接種到煮熟的飯粒上,經過一段時間發酵而成。做好的米麴可以再加工做成鹽麴、味噌、豆腐乳、味霖、甘酒、清酒等健康又美味的食物,是很多發酵食品的基本和必需素材。
- Jan 26 Mon 2015 03:23
日式醬油 Japanese Style Shoyu
Japanese-style soy sauce, known as shoyu, is usually made from an even ratio of soybeans and wheat, koji bacteria and salted water (brine), it is different from traditional Chinese soy sauces that are made with 100% soybeans, koji bacteria and salted water. Japanese-style shoyu tends to be sweeter, clearer and thinner than Chinese soy sauces.
- Oct 27 Mon 2014 00:26
鷹嘴豆味噌 Chickpea Miso
Miso is usually made with koji rice, salt and soy beans. This time, I am going to try making miso with chickpeas.